For your consideration

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As a teacher you will encounter a diverse group of students (especially if you work in California).  This means that you have to be prepared to meet the needs of various students.  This includes English Language Learners, ELL, and Standard English Language Learners, SEL. Remember, these students are facing extra challenges may require extra accommodations in order to access the material you are trying to teach.  Take a moment and think about yourself.  Just imagine how much harder it would be for you if you had to learn new material in a new language.  Maybe you can speak the language, maybe you only know a little bit.  How would this effect your ability to learn and your willingness to participate in class.

Let's focus again on our TPEs, especially:

TPE 1: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning Elements Beginning teachers: 

 4. Use a variety of developmentally and ability-appropriate instructional strategies, resources, and assistive technology, including principles of Universal Design of Learning (UDL) and Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) to support access to the curriculum for a wide range of learners within the general education classroom and environment. 

In order to provide these access of support, we need to think about the needs of our students, the material we present to them, and they way in which we present it.  The following is an analysis I conducted on texts that may be used in my class along with a discussion of why they may be difficult for my students and what I can do to support them.

Preparing this gave me the opportunity to put myself in my students shoes and really think about what I need to do to support ELL and SEL students.  Many of these students perform quite well when given just a small amount of support to help them overcome literacy challenges.  It is vita that we as teachers provide these supports so that all students have a chance to thrive.

What techniques have you used to scaffold lessons for ELL and SEL students?  What methods have you seen be successful?
